The elderly appliance market is huge, and the demand scale exceeds 60 billion yuan.
Author:EldExpo(Luoyang) Time:2018-08-21 Reader:1570

There are a lot of smart home appliances, and there are not many "good old" products.

The reporter searched for "senior smart appliances" through the e-commerce platform. The most popular search results were old mobile phones and bracelets, while home appliances such as televisions, microwave ovens, and rice cookers did not introduce special products for the elderly.

Demand exceeds 60 billion yuan, and the market for elderly home appliances is huge.

In recent years, China’s population has become increasingly aging, and the number of elderly people has increased. According to public information, in 2020, China's population over 60 will reach 248 million; in 2030, it will exceed 300 million; by 2050, China's elderly population will increase to 480 million, accounting for a quarter of the global elderly population. In terms of household appliance consumption, according to Ovi Consulting, the annual demand for elderly household appliances in urban empty-nest families is more than 600 billion. This will be a very huge market segment.

In the interview, the reporter also learned that the elderly are not unable to accept smart home appliances, but because there is a serious lack of suitable aging products in the market to meet the demand, the elderly group is welcome to "fit for age" smart appliances.