the 27th Guangzhou Fair Pension Service Comprehensive Exhibition
The 3rd China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo
Time:August 23-25, 2019
Add:Area A, China Import and Export Fair Complex
By the end of 2017, there were 241 millionelderly people aged 60 and over in China,accounting for 17.3% of the to talpopulation.Among them, the number of newelderly people in 2017 exceeded 10 million for thefirst time. It is estimated that by 2050, the numberof elderly people in China will reach 477million,accounting for 34.9% of the total population.According to current estimates, the businessopportunities in China's pension market are about4 trillion yuan. By 2050, the consumption potentialof China's elderly population will grow to 106 trillionyuan, and the proportion of GDP will increase from8% to 33%.As China's population ages, thedemand for elderly care services such as diethealth, life care, rehabilitation care, and spiritualculture is growing. China will become the countrywith the greatest potential for the elderly industryin the world.
China International Elderly Health Industry Expo (referred to as: EldExpo Old Expo) focuses on thenational aging cause and pension system policy, focuses on the development trend of China's elderlyhealth industry, and relies on the market demand of China's elderly health industry to organize theworld's most advanced pension health services. Product technology and solutions, in Guangzhou,Xiaogan, Luoyang and other places to tour, let the old production and distribution enterprises and the oldprocurement agencies seamlessly dock, to achieve a balance between supply and demand, leading theelderly health industry to develop a new future, to create a set of exhibitions, exchanges, The one-stopinternational trade platform for service and business opportunity procurement is committed to becomingthe industry benchmark for China's elderly health industry!
China (Guangzhou) International Elderly Health Industry Expo (referred to as: Guangzhou ElderlyHealth Industry Expo) was successfully held in the A Zone of China Import and Export Fair Complex fortwo consecutive years from 2017 to 2018. 2018 The 2nd Guangzhou Elderly Health Industry Expo willcover an exhibition area of 10,800 square meters, with 430 booths, 230 exhibitors and 82,500 visitors.The on-site sales amount will exceed 8.3 million, the intention contract amount will reach 73 million yuan,and the project will sign 685 million yuan.
2019 The 3rd Guangzhou Elderly Health Industry Expo was jointly sponsored by the GuangzhouCivil Affairs Bureau, the Guangzhou Collaboration Office, the Guangzhou Municipal Working Committee,the Guangzhou Expo Organizing Committee Office, the Guangdong Provincial Pension Service IndustryAssociation, and the Guangzhou Pension Service Industry Association. As the professional pensionservice comprehensive exhibition of the 27th Guangzhou Expo, the Guangzhou Elderly Health IndustryExpo will be held concurrently with the Guangzhou Fair.
1、Government Public Welfare
To publicize the government's policy initiativesand achievements in promoting institutionalpensions, community-based communitypensions, home-based wisdom and old age, andrelying on resource advantages such as ecologyand medical care, resource integration andpromoting the integration of medical care, andpromoting full-cycle and all-round healthconcepts;
2、Intelligent Pension
Intelligent pension equipment overall solution,old-age care application management system,smart wearable equipment, intelligentcompanionship, home robot, remote care,intelligent health management, smart medical,smart home, smart travel, intelligent audio-visualentertainment, intelligent communicationassistant, intelligent mobile terminal \APP, etc.
3、Pension Agency
Domestic and foreign pension real estate,ecological health base, migratory bird pension,rehabilitation center, social welfare organization,elderly community/apartment, old-age careinstitution, community day care center andelderly service agency;
4、Isuitable for Aged Home
Suitable for old furniture, home appliances,sanitary ware, building materials, hardware andother products; suitable for aging designplanning, customization, transformation; barrier-free equipment, facilities; suitable for aging home,engineering;
5、Medical Equipment and Rehabilitation Aids
Various medical equipment, medical nursing beds,multifunctional physiotherapy beds, rehabilitation aids,wheelchairs, walking aids, rehabilitation nursing equipment,rehabilitation training equipment, therapeutic apparatus,health care equipment, massage apparatus, etc.;
6、Old Life Supplies
All kinds of old-age daily necessities, convenient livingsupplies, leisure exercise supplies, crutches, old people'sclothing and shoes, old mobile phones, etc;
7、Pension Service
Housekeeping, maintenance, cleaning, nursing, wills, law,securities, finance, insurance, wealth management, banking,culture, tourism, etc;
8、Health Food, Nutraceuticals, Medicines
Various functional foods, nutritional supplements, dietarysupplements, special medical foods, probiotic products,nutritional health and nourishing products, Chinese medicinehealth products, medicines, etc.;
Letters from the Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau , the Guangzhou Aged Work Committee Office , and other governmentagencies invite the subordinate civil affairs, the ageing system, the major institutions involved, and related hospitals, nursinghomes, welfare homes, and community service centers to participate in the procurement.
The organizer will use the advantages of its own business association platform to regularly organize publicity, promotionand exchange, invite industry leading enterprises to participate in investment promotion, visit and purchase, and organizesummit activities through platform experts and industry's big coffee resources.
The main contractor will unite the embassies in China, the consulates in Guangzhou, and the associations of pensioners athome and abroad, and invite European, American, Japanese, Korean, European Union, ASEAN, Middle East, AU and otherregions, as well as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan industry groups to visit and exchange purchases . The organizingcommittee will go to Japan, Germany, Australia, Canada and other developed countries for the promotion of investmentpromotion and promotion, and increase the promotion and promotion of overseas markets.
The organizer will use its accumulated 500,000 Canton Fair buyer resources and nearly 300,000 professional merchantresources to conduct business matching after successful registration by exhibitors through email, SMS group sending, publicnumber promotion, and internal platform push. And use its own membership advantages of multiple associations to regularlyorganize publicity and promotion, exchange, invite industry leading enterprises to participate in investment promotion, visitprocurement, through the industry's large coffee resources, organize summit forum activities.
The organizer uses its own annual 50 large-scale government exhibitions and professional exhibitions throughout thecountry to promote and promote the parallel contract industry exhibition group to participate in the promotion, such as theAustralian Trade and Investment Commission, Taiwan Trade Center, Japan Pension Support Exhibition, Taiwan Medicalequipment exhibition, etc.
The exhibition will be included in the 27th Guangzhou Expo Professional Exhibition hosted by the Guangzhou MunicipalPeople's Government. The organizing committee will use the government's official website, local newspapers, television, publictransportation and new media to publicize the exhibition-related information.
The organizing committee through large-scale portals (People's Daily, Phoenix, Xinhua, etc.), professional magazine media(Shenzhou Pension Magazine, "Lingnansong" magazine, etc.), professional industry websites (nursing information network,national pension network, China's pension network, etc.) to promote.
Guangzhou Civil Affairs Bureau
Guangzhou Collaboration Office
Guangzhou Elderly Working Committee Office
Organizing Committee Office of Guangzhou Expo
Guangzhou Pension Service Industry Association
Guangdong Provincial Pension Service Industry Association
Guangdong Provincial Aged Industry Association
Guangdong Provincial Home Care Service Association
Guangdong KSourcing Exhibition CO.LTD
Guangdong Provincial Pension Service Industry Association
Guangdong Provincial Service Trade Association
Hubei Aged Industry Association
Luoyang Aged Industry Association
Guangzhou Changqing Pension Service Industry Research Institute
Lingnan Song Magazine