The Xi'an International Chamber of Commerce has recently issued a notice to all member units inviting them to participate in the "2023 Xi'an International Elderly Care Industry Expo and Xi'an International Elderly Care Cooperation and Exchange Conference".
The 2023 Xi'an International Elderly Care Industry Expo and Xi'an International Elderly Care Cooperation and Exchange Conference (hereinafter referred to as "Xi'an Elderly Care Expo") is jointly organized by the Xi'an Municipal People's Government, Shaanxi Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, China Association for Aging, and China Geriatrics Society. It is organized by the Xi'an Civil Affairs Bureau, Xi'an Commerce Bureau, and other organizations, and co organized by the Xi'an Council for the Promotion of International Trade. It will be held from September 15 to 17, 2023 at the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center (Chanba).
The theme of this exhibition is "Taking care of Chang'an at the Starting Point of the Silk Road". During the exhibition, multiple activities such as forums and industry investment supply and demand docking meetings will also be held. Build Xi'an to promote the well-being of billions of people in China, and build a platform for the external display, exchange, and cooperation of Xi'an's elderly care brand.