Want to know how to achieve medical integration? On the morning of August 24th, at the 3rd EldExpo(Guangzhou) held in Hall 9.2, Pazhou, Guangzhou, this summit forum was elaborated.
More than 100 representatives from the province's old-age care institutions participated in the training held during the 2019 EldExpo(Guangzhou).
On the afternoon of August 24th, the “How to Reduce the Risk of Cognitive Care” was held in the A Forum of EldExpo(Guangzhou) Forum.
On August 23, EldExpo(Guangzhou) opened in Hall 9.2, Zone B, Guangzhou Pazhou Complex.
A few days ago, the Guangzhou Expo Organizing Committee Office issued a document and invited the delegation to visit the 2019 EldExpo(Guangzhou).
A few days ago, the Guangzhou Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau issued a document calling on the District Civil Affairs Bureau to organize a visit to the 2019 EldExpo(Guangzhou).